Unhinged CEO of the Year Speaks Out!

It took me 10 years to finally get noticed for all the hard work I've done!
All you loser nerds and virgins who just circle jerk 24/7 on social media and idolize midget Youtubers who make a living off reaction videos about some dumb airhead who got offended over being told they have no skills pretending to be a victim of "cyber bullying" for likes and views are bottom feeding scum bags. Clearly all of you idiots have never had a real job or built a real business over 10+ years. Now screen shot this and keep whining about everything you don't like while us adults are actually contributing to society and the economy.
If you haven't gotten the hint yet that I do not give a f*** about your feelings and would say anything in person to your face I say online unlike you spineless lames who just chirp chirp online, here is my confirmation. Grow some balls kids, the real world would run you over in a heart beat. You know your parents failed you when you act like you're a 20 year old "victim" because you can't handle a comment over having zero skills and "live life on easy mode" that was literally in their bio. 🤣
- Brandon Howard